This week’s Tying Tuesday is all about simplicity. These patterns require no special tying skills and take just a few minutes to create. We kick things off with a cool cased-caddis imitation from Cheech at Fly Fish Food. I’m not sure what he means by “feelers” (legs?), but you tie in the long dubbing fibers just like a tail. Next up is a classic Appalachian Palmer Fly,” from Matt O’Neal of Savage Flies. All that palmered hackle means that the pattern will float like a cork in the tumbling mountain streams, and it will suspend a decent size nymph, as well. Finally, Tyler from AvidMax offers an easy midge imitation that crushes on tailwaters.
Cased Caddis Jig
Hook: Barbless black nickel hook (here, a Fulling Mill 5140), size 14.
Bead: Black slotted tungsten bead, 3.2mm.
Thread: Fluorescent green, 8/0 or 70-denier.
Tail (feelers?): Black Eco Warrior Dub.
Body: Mixed Eco Warrior Dub (black, rust, olive, pepperbox, and hare’s ear), trimmed.
Underbody: Tying thread
Thread color: Black Sharpie.
Tools: Dubbing whirl.
Smoky Mountain Palmer (Orange)
Hook: 1X-long dry-fly hook, sizes 12-16.
Thread: Rusty orange (or brown or black), 8/0 or 70-denier.
Tail: Golden pheasant tippets.
Hackle: Grizzly and brown, palmered.
Body: Orange yarn.
Head: Tying thread.
Adhesive: Head cement.
Holo Midge
Hook: 2X-short curved nymph hook (here, a Tiemco 2488), sizes 16-22.
Bead: Black tungsten bead, 5/64-inch.
Thread: Black, 8/0 or 70-denier.
Rib: Semperfli Bright Silver Wire, 2mm.
Underbody: Tying thread.
Body: Opal Mirage Flashabou.
Wing: Fluorescent white Antron Yarn.
Head: Tying thread.